Volt egyszer -a sellak lemez után, de a kislemez előtt- a "hosszan játszó" nagylemez.
Columbia Records held a press conference at the famed Waldorf Astoria hotel in New York City on June 18, 1948, in which label president Goddard Lieberson introduced its new “microgroove” 33 1/3 RPM long-playing 12-inch vinyl phonograph record disc to the world.
Until then, music had been sold on 10-inch 78 RPM shellac discs. The new format was lighter, thinner and far-less apt to break in everyday usage, and could play up to 20-minutes (and later more) per side (as opposed to the four to five minute length on a 78).

Egy évtized elteltével -a lemez méretének is köszönhetően- létrejött a lemezborító művészet (cover art) többféle ága (pl. a Sleeveface).