A zene mozgás - a mozgás energia.
A táncolók mozgását elektromos energiává alakító táncparkett ötlete nem új, de a kivitelezését még mindig fejleszti a holland Energy Floors.
The technology we use to convert kinetic energy into usable electricity was developed in 2007 and the first one to be put on the market.
Electromechanical system
Our partners of Delft and Eindhoven Universities of Technology investigated various options: piezo, thermoelectric conversion and hydraulic systems. An electromechanical system, which transforms small vertical movements into a rotating movement that drives a generator, turned out to be the best option.
Our partners of Delft and Eindhoven Universities of Technology investigated various options: piezo, thermoelectric conversion and hydraulic systems. An electromechanical system, which transforms small vertical movements into a rotating movement that drives a generator, turned out to be the best option.