Miért elenyészően kevés a női disc jockey?
Miért vált ki az a néhány akkora előítéletet, ellenszenvet?
Miért elenyészően kevés a női disc jockey?
Miért vált ki az a néhány akkora előítéletet, ellenszenvet?
A „female-dj”-k helyzete, megítélése a hazai és nemzetközi dj társadalom egyik sokat vitatott témája.
A tárgyilagos vélemény alkotáshoz rengeteg anyagot, információt, produkciót kell figyelembe venni, hogy a kérésekre választ lehessen találni.
Ezek közül idézek néhány tipikus megnyilatkozást.
Általános megállapítások:

A female DJk véleménye szerint:
...ebben a hím-soviniszta iparágban (még a Szenátusban is több nő van, mint az EDM-ben) a nőknek nagyon tökösnek kell lenniük. In a overwhelmingly male-dominted industry, women DJs need "big balls." While women made big gains in the U.S. Senate this election last week, their "new coalition" counterparts in the EDM world still remain virtually non-existent. A sikerhez pedig kockáztatni, akarni kell, valamint szükség van hitre –és vastag bőrre! "If you're dreaming about the entertainment industry, you just have to have some tough skin. You have to take risks and really believe in what you want, and go for it." A szegregáció, a kirekesztés a dj-knél jellemzőbb, mint a politikusok vagy az üzletemberek között - állítja Jenny Feterovich ("the truth is that DJs are more segregated than politicians or business executives" ) A rangos DJ-listákon is aránytalanul kevés (4%) nő szerepelt.
The first women to grace the pages of DJ Mag, Lisa Lashes (#75 in 2009) and Claudia Cazazu (#93 in 2010), paved the way for acts like NERVO, the Australian DJ duo comprised of twin sisters Liv and Mim Nervo, who are reppin' for female DJs around the world. By that same token, Rolling Stone lists Amsterdam veteran Cassy and the current queen of the underground, Maya Jane Coles, on their list of the DJ elite. Still, that's just five out of 125 -- only 4%. Hanna Hanra, -aki már sikeres DJ és szerkesztő-újságíró lett- keserű tapasztalatokat gyűjtött pályafutása során...
For the last 10 years, my main source of income has been from DJing. It's taken me around the world, from dive bars in Krakow to glitzy fashion parties in New York. I've DJ'd in the coolest clubs and the shittest pubs, I've played at a record-breaking 13 parties during a four-day period one London fashion week and I've been flown across the world to play 10 songs at a party. ...amit így összegez: "Boys aren't better at DJing than girls. We don't DJ with our vaginas."

Kedvező változások, eremények:
Despite this long-standing prejudice, we're hopefully seeing a shift in the industry. Tomorrowland has added a record-breaking 19 females to their 2013 lineup, and the NERVO twins have recently collaborated with EDM megastars Afrojack, Steve Aoki, and David Guetta. Bemutatták a "Girls Gone Vinyl: The Untold Story of Female DJs" című dokumentum filmet:
2014 lehet, hogy a fordulat éve lesz!?
Harry Klein becomes Marry Klein A müncheni Harry Klein club teljes márciusi programját női djk adják. Erre az időszakra a klub nevét szimbolikusan Marry Klein-re változtatják.
A profi female DJk -Tama Sumo, Dinky, Helena Hauff, Honey Dijon és Lakuti - mellett a feltörekvők is lehetőséget kapnak a bemutatkozásra.
BBC Radio 1 stúdiójában a Nemzetközi Nőnapon csak női djk és műsorvezetők lesznek adásban. A kétnapos programot változatos műsorok és zenei kínálat (garage, house, drum n bass, r&b, hip hop, trap, grime and techno) teszi színessé. A közreműködők között természetesen ott lesz a Radio 1 első női dj-je, Annie Nightingale is. (Róla majd részletesen!) Az esemény és a program ismertetése: Radio 1 announces all-fe male DJ line-up Vegyespáros; békés egymásmellett scratchelés: DJ Spinderella (a Salt'n'Pepa DJ-tagja):
DJ Helena dresses for success
JANUARY 26, 2014
DJ Helena Helena had a No.1 hit, "Girl From The Sky", last year Source: News Limited
HITMAKER Helena says female DJs won't be taken seriously unless they leave their clothes on.
"You have to decide what kind of artist you want to be,"
"There are a lot of female DJs who look like Playboy bunnies, with revealing clothes, bikini tops, and being overtly sexual."
The former Australian-based DJ, now living in Los Angeles, added: "These girls will never be taken seriously because everybody sees them standing there with no clothes on."
Helena had a No.1 hit, Girl From The Sky, last year.
That success prompted her move to the US, where she is repped by the same agents booking superstar DJ Avicii.
Since her move to LA, Helena has played at festivals and clubs in Miami, New York and Las Vegas.
"I'm very ambitious," she said."I want to spread my wings and keep getting bigger."
PARIS Hilton has signed a massive deal to DJ at a club in Ibiza following an apparently hugely successful stint over the past few months.
Juliet Fox (DJ, Producer) originally from Australia and now residing in London, UK.

It seems the reality of the female presence in house music is growing exponentially but is still very much male dominated, do you feel or witness this pressure first hand as an female DJ/Producer/Artist?
I did when I first started out. It was like you had to prove your self two-fold just because you were female. It’s definitely changing and for the better, and I get a lot of support from all the guys I work with. I also have a few collabs on the go at the moment with other male producers, which I think is cool. Plus I have met so many other amazing female DJs/Producers, especially in London and they all support each other and have a huge amount of respect for each other within the industry.