Simon Cowell az X Factor, valamint a Britain's Got Talent, Pop Idol, American Idol tehetségkutatók kitalálója és zsűritagja Angliában és Amerikában.
Heves reakciókat váltott ki Simon Cowell ötlete, hogy X Factor-jellegű TV show-műsort indít disc jockey-k részére.
Szerinte "DJ’s are the new rock stars, it feels like the right time to make this show.”
Több, mint két éve tervezik az X Factor for DJs, DJ talent show, vagy az Ultimate DJ. címet viselő műsor elindítását.
A DJ-k többsége ellenzi az ilyen fajta tehetségkutatást:
Tiësto said in an interview with Digital Spy: "Yeah, I would [be a judge] actually. Only if we could do it in the way I like it. I would make sure a DJ would look good and I'm not sure if Simon's capable to do that."
John Digweed: "How are you going to gauge someone’s ability in five minutes, you know?"
Fatboy Slim sent out a message to Cowell, saying: "Please don't do it. It'll ruin it for the rest of us."
Other DJs told Cowell to "fuck off" when approached about the idea.
Steve Lawler ezzel a gúnyos video-paródiával fejezi ki nemtetszését:
With the world's most credible and respected DJs lining up for an audition and Simon Cowell giving them his valid, undeniable & professional point of view; one man who goes by the name of DJ Facebender is set to rise to superstardom with his impeccable skills and prowess behind the decks.
A Mixmag-ból szerzett utolsó, májusi információm szerint az ügy így állt, illetve haladt:
The idea first emerged back in 2012, although there was some uncertainty about whether it would go ahead, but it's now been confirmed the concept is set to launch.
It will be the brainchild of Cowell's Syco Entertainment, dance music empire SFX Entertainment and T-Mobile.
Taking a different format to Cowell's other shows such as X Factor and Britain's Got Talent, Ultimate DJ will initially launch online with contestants asked to submit "productions" for fan voting via social media. It will then move on to live performances and challenges, set to take place in venues under the ownership of SFX, which is helmed by roving entrepreneur Robert Sillerman.
In a press release, Cowell said: "We have been developing this concept for a while but our partnership with SFX has been a real game-changer for this format. It made complete sense for us to collaborate with SFX with their access to the best up-and-coming DJs and their great marketing platform to build new DJ talent."
Egyes tehetségkutatóban korábban is részt vehettek DJ-k. Az aggodalmak nem alaptalanok:

Meglepetésemre az Ultimate DJ Competition 2014 szeptember végén lezárult - csendben, szinte titokban!?
Pedig magyar vonatkozása is volt.
Ez lett a több éves előkészület eredménye - vagy ez valami más???
Néhány illusztráció, forrás az eseményről:
Ezt a hivatalos videót eddig 15-en tekintették meg rajtam kívül!
Titan Events & Entertainment
The Ultimate DJ Competition
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A fenti cikket 2014. októberben írtam.Most ismét felkapták a témát a nemzetközi médiában, és egymásra hivatkozva tájékoztatnak a "várható" eseményről - amit 2012 óta tervezgetnek.
Hogy végül is lesz-e belőle valami, azt csak jövőbelátó talentumok tudják.
Yahoo officially announced the show yesterday
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It was recently announced that Simon Cowell's reality talent show 'Ultimate DJ' is going into production and will be live-streamed on Yahoo Live. Domino-signed deep house DJ George FitzGerald explains why the upcoming show can only ever be a total farce.
I don’t find it very surprising that Simon Cowell’s trying to launch a DJ version of The X Factor, Ultimate DJ. The guy doesn’t seem to be motivated by anything other than money and thanks to the global popularity of EDM, a certain type of 'DJing' is now the most profitable way of performing music. There are minimal touring costs for a DJ who comes round with a USB stick and reproduces his music perfectly each time. So it’s entirely logical that Cowell wants to buy into this culture, just like all the other major label execs have over the last few years. It’s another cynical move from a very cynical person.